What's up?
Events are the things where things happen with people around.

Events take work.

And we don't really like work.

So why do we do events exactly?

I have no idea.

I really am not quite sure what happens when I write too much and this text does not fit inside the box?
Tests are a sort of events where serious people skate for serious judges to do judgey serious stuff.

There's the right sort of solemn expression you need to don whenever it's a Tests sort of events.

Think of it like Library on Ice. Only without serious works of fiction by serious authorsey sort.
Here's where you find evidence of things you did, or others did and you missed and you'll hope not to miss the next one.

Or if you find you do want to miss the next one, in which case help us turn it into an event you won't want to miss.

'Cause events ain't events if you don't join in.  'Cause you're all that matters to us. We swear! Cross our hearts and hope to die. Except... we are not suicidal, not at all.
What's past?
Photo Gallery sort of things?

Or past test results?

Or something. Definitely something.

Or maybe nothing.

One or the other.

Or maybe something in between, where it's something that feels like nothing at all. Our expertise.
Why did I have trouble typing inside this div before.

If I have a lot of text, I should break it out into two div's, one that's not shown and the other one shown only when clicked? Yah - let's do that.